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Wednesday, February 25, 2009

40 Day Fast

Well I think I told y'all about our 40 day fast that we are doing in the ward. It is where for 40 days, 40 families fast, each one day, and they all fast for missionary work! So its been pretty good so far. We have seen some good miracles. One of the biggest ones is VINCE COMING TO CHURCH!!! I was soo excited to see him. he said he would come and he did! He is really progressing well. We talked about church yesterday and he said that he really enjoyed it. A lot like his Lutheran church but he still liked it. He plans on coming to the ward activity on Friday. He already knows tons of people from all the members at his lessons. So its just a matter of him actually continuing to come to church. He bore a really nice testimony to us last night and Friday. he knows the Book of Mormon is true and that Joseph Smith was a prophet. He didn't quite know about the why for the BOM so we explained it with 1 Nephi 13. Talking about the plain and precious truths lost. that's where we hit a little bump. he believes its the "infallible word of God." yet he sees hos the bible by itself yields confusion. so we explained the need for more scripture and the Love God has for us in giving us those plain and precious truths back. Good ending. he still wants us back so it works.
I'm really loving this ward a whole bunch. they all have such a strong desire to share the gospel its just a matter of getting the opportunity. So we ate with the Hobdys last night. That's the family that dropped by with the DVD. and we taught sister Hobdy how to further a conversation about the church. Instead of just saying that we don't drink coffee because its against my religion/faith. ask them a question back. "why do you think i don't drink coffee?" "did you know its a commandment from God?" "did you know we have a prophet on the earth to give us these commandments?" That will teach them as well as open up more for them to learn about. She really liked the idea. Its a big thing for members to step out of their comfort zones and talk but IT WORKS. DO IT!!!
We actually go to businesses now and talk to people. But its your going fishing, go where the fish are right? So we do. We meet some really good people there. One lady at a dry cleaners we are following up with on Thursday. perhaps we can get free dry cleaning. i need it badly.
Trunky thoughts: (trunky means looking forward to home, i cant wait to get home or "things I will do when I got home" thoughts) come April Conference, we take our suit coats off unless we are at meetings. I don't put my coat back on. I leave for the mission home like 2 days after the October Conference so that is kinda good news. I don't like the coat, but I don't like the idea of my 5th and final Conference. :( sad day..anyways
Nick and Nate! I hope y'all enjoyed my letter. Not meaning to brag about my members there Nate. Keep your head up! The Lord is on your side. "When your on the Lord's errand your entitled to the Lord's help!" I wish I could help you but VA needs me.
Nothing really new happening. Just living life. Oh I was finally sick on Sunday so we stayed in and got some members to bring by a TV/VCR combo. we watched all the old cheesy movies by the church. it was awesome. I love them.
Take care y'all
Elder Malone

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