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Thursday, September 24, 2009

Next to the last letter home.....

I would like to thank all y'all for the religiousness of writing to me on my mission. this will be one of the concluding emails that I send from VA. I will have you know that P-DAY is probably one of the most celebrated holidays in the mission field. It is weekly, short and sweet. I enjoy it quite fully. Today, the whole way to the library, we shouted P-DAY and rejoiced in our release from burdens.
Not that we really have any, the Lord helps us out, but if they did come! we would be released.
Speaking of released, I AM NOT TRUNKY! Let me again define that trunkyness if to be looking forward with great anticipation for your homecoming and the life after the mission. My companion likes to say little things all the time about it, i do not. the members are blown away to think that i leave in 2 weeks! it is pretty amazing to see the sadness in their eyes when they hear that. I have really grown close to this ward, not any family in particular, but the whole ward in general is just incredible. probably one of my all-time favorite areas to serve in! So they are consistently asking me about what i will do and how i am handling it all. I just say, when it comes it comes. so sorry mom and dad and mike and jacque if i am not too happy to see all yall when yall come to get me. that is the reason why.
i am excited to listen to music and hold a girls hand again! luckily music is first because i do not have a girl to hold hands with. if i did though! would still be first.
Sis talley is still set for the 10th, but if she does not stop smoking by friday then she cannot be baptized on the 10th. sad day huh? so keep her in your prayers!
Tonya as well needs to quit smoking but she is doing really well! her daughters and her came to all 3 hours of church and loved it tremendously. tonya told us yesterday that she really has seen the blessings among her family growing closer together as they are going to church. so that is really good. the other girls are expressing interest in baptism as well, so who knows what all will come of this great event?
Doris dropped us on thursday night, but then showed up to church with her friend. talk about a shocker. she still does not have a new baptismal date for her, but when she wants it, it will be there for her. I think it surprised her how not different our ward was from her friends ward. even if they are from the east end of Richmond. they are alright.
No other news really, sorry
Elder Malone

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


sorry one last item of ward business to discuss. None of yall know this, but we have been taking the sign language classes and this past week I signed the Sacrament prayer for the water! it was a really amazing thing to be able to do that for our deaf sisters in the ward. I was super nervous but the Lord helped me out a lot, as always and I prevailed! I am still working on the bread which is a tad bit longer and Elder Pierce wants to sign the water within the next two weeks also, so perhaps I can do bread and he can do the water.
love yall

Good News and Bad News..............

Well good news is that we are seeing opposition, so something is going right here in the ward. Bad news is that Miguel and Doris both are stepping off the baptism wagon for a little bit. Miguel basically disappeared and no one knows exactly where he is at. So, when and if he comes back, we shall see how interested he really is. Doris is getting some cold feet, so she decided to not be baptized THIS month. But she says definitely next month. So, we are planning on next month. She did not come to church on Sunday like we had hoped she would. She also committed to come, and her fellowshipper said she would be brought. But apparently she was not feeling very good, so it did not happen.
But as far as we know, Tonya Stith and Sis Talley are still set for what is ahead. As long as they keep their commitments, they will succeed! Just like all of us, God does not ask big things, simply little things that bring big results in our lives. As long as we do what he has asked of us to do, then we will see those BIG results in our lives. So do those small things okay?
We had an experience with a man who for some reason is praying and asking God to show him what he needs to do to change his life. We have knocked on his door twice and he skims through the bible every now and again. So we very boldly told him to repent and listen to the signs and whisperings that the Holy Ghost is giving him. I told him right to his face that his beer and cigarettes are keeping him from God's promptings. Because the Spirit backed it up, he felt the need to change and invited us back anytime. Whether he change that night I am not sure, but he felt something. That is what counts.
There was a really sweet fireside this past weekend with Elder Jay E. Jensen from the Presidency of the Seventy. That was a very powerful meeting and I walked away feeling very uplifted in the Spirit! He had a Q&A for about an hour in the which some really good questions came up that I myself had thought of but did not remember to ask them. Good news is that we took Miguel there and he enjoyed what part he really understood. Mormon language was used a lot there. can be tough for some people.
Elder Malone

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Where did all this fire come from?

We have been really blessed to have such good investigators who are anxious to receive these blessings. some are more solid than others but all of them are working towards that goal, and if they do not get baptized, then their hearts are still changed for living the Gospel for a time. Here are the people and their dates. I should be able to go to a few of them!
Doris- Sept 26th she has not come to our ward yet because of illnesses but she knows a good handful of people and has been 3 times to other wards were her friends are members so at least she has gone. But she keeps all of her commitments!
Miguel- Oct 3rd in between sessions probably. he keeps disappearing down to NC for sometime. So he has not been to church for a little bit, but he reads and preaches out of the BOM to his friends who are also influenced by family and friends who are members. He has a strong testimony, just needs to prioritize.
Sis Talley!- Oct 10th she has a few kids that are members. She is really awesome, super sweet lady. She has a different Spirit around her from that first time we met her, and she has become converted. She is definitely set for this date. We actually went over on Monday and gave Priesthood blessings to her and her grandchildren for school! that was a really neat experience to have. especially for Sis Talley's blessing.
Tonya Stith!- Oct 11th. her response to the invtiation for baptism was, "do you really think Im ready?" we replied yes! she understood that it was an actual covenant with God, not just a thing to do, to get into the church. she is really awesome, such a blessing to teach her.
thanks for the prayers family and friends!
i love all yall elder malone

Awesome Investigators!

My first item of business is Doris Woodlief. She is a really awesome 61 year old lady. She is set for baptism for the 26th of Sept and totally committed to that date too! She has some really great fellowship with multiple of our members and others in surrounding wards. She is the best friend of a member who lives just across the river and has been going to her ward for a few sundays but is now going to come with us this week! which will be really good for the transition. She believes and has a testimony of all of what we have taught her, so things are really looking up with her.
We had a FHE with Tonya Stith and her girls over at a members house and that went really well also! They have come to church only once but this weekend, Tonya has work off so her whole family will be there for all 3 meetings! That is where the power comes in. She will experience the whole enchilada. They do not have a baptismal date but definitely will soon. The Bishop is very aware of them and dedicated to get them baptized. its amazing how much he wants them to be members. It really motivates me and gets the ward excited also!
We are still working with a few others, nothing really too strong but all part of the separating process! half the work is finding them.
Elder Pierce is my new companion, he is from St. George, UT. But he grew up in Florida and Louisiana so he is redeemed! But we get along really well, especially because he is focused and dedicated to really teaching powerful lessons to everyone he sees, so it has helped me to teach powerfully also. The Lord knew what I needed to end the mish.
thanks for the love and letters and emails and all the support. If yall could help a brother out, here is a simple list of foods I desire.
-Tuna in WATER
- whole-wheat pretzels
-protein powder
love to all yall
Elder Malone

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Small successes.....

Well we had a family come to church on Sunday! They are the Stiths. Great
family. A mom and 3 girls all over 11! So they are mostly all going to be in YW
which is really needed right now. Poor YW class with only 3 YW in there. They
plan on staying the whole 3 hours next week. She gave up extra work time to come
so she is really seeing the blessings in sacrifice.

We have also been recieving a lot of referrals lately. Mostly from the Church
HQ but referrals none the less. Lots of work to do. It did slow down for a few
days here and there, but luckily, we have been faithful and the Good Lord is
definitely providing! We have members who are actively working with non-members
to invite into their home, so within the month we should see some super solid
people come forth!
Our main girl Cassie is staying in VA for good, so we are working forward with
her for the baptism. She is not set for a date because she has some things to
take care of first and she really needs to be reading and praying daily. She
wants to be baptized within the month so she can have some of her school friends
there, but she needs to step up her game. we told her that too and she
understood, so it is up to her now. But her mother is a member who would come to
church except for work. So not too bad of a support at home. She did get to go
to the Spanish ward's baptism last night at 8:30 which was a really good
service. So she got to witness it and reconfirmed her decision to be baptized.
It is almost surreal how the end is near. It is not something to really push
off anymore. I do not think about it often really, but it is odd to think that
in 7 weeks, it will be over. I hope my efforts have been accepted by the Lord.
He definitely has had a struggle with me at times. I feel like I have done my
best throughout most of my mission and that is just about all I can ask for.
Thanks to all y'all for supporting me throughout this time in my life. It is a
blessing to have so many great people, especially among those I hardly know.
Elder Malone

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Letter Home 8/12/09

Well...not a letter in a while because most of our people have been disappearing! Or at least are not keeping commitments and not calling us back. So instead of chasing them down and trying to knock some sense into them like we use to do, we just move onward!

We did have an experience with a part-member family who we are teaching. They have been taught by missionaries for a little while now but never make those steps so they stop meeting with them. Well the first couple of appointments went really well. But when they all committed to come to church and our rides came by to find no one home, we got a little perturbed. So we went by and they all individually swore up and down and side to side that they did not say they would come to church. So they were all conspiring together! Well, we rebuked the mother hardcore to get some sense into her, plus it fed my pride a little bit. :) We told her that she needed to come and let the Spirit work on her. So she stated that she had things planned to do... we asked if they were more important than church or the Lord. She said, of course not! nothing is more important than the Lord. So we boldly said, Then why are you making them that way? And left silence while she ate from the ice cream cone filled with guilt. Chocolate chip kind too. She agreed to let us come back and we told them all, if they miss one commitment they are dropped! No time to play around, they have had too many witnesses now, it's all on the them.

Well on a good note, Tonya and her family will be at church this Sunday! She finally found the exact location of the building, because last sunday she got lost and did not bring her cell phone with her. So this sunday is the day! They keep all of their commitments and definitely are making a point to have family scripture study. So they are doing well.

We were told just yesterday that the first book Pocahontas ever read was the Bible, specifically in John were it talked about confessing with your mouth and you are saved! She liked it so much she made her own version of the Bible to share with her Native friends and highlighted that scripture in there. Betcha y'all never heard that before!

Also, they may move our apartment in a couple months. We are currently at the very bottom of a 10 mile up and down area. Mostly up hill, so 45 mins later we arrive at the top, which is difficult sometimes on bike. So they will move us to a more central location. We are picking out places to go, and we may have found a winner.

All in all, just working and striving to finish with a bang. But I think the only bang I may make is just a little hooray from my companion!
Elder Malone

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Letter home 7/15/09

Hello family!

Things are going super well here in meadowbrook. I really love it here. lots of people to teach which i will talk about all of them in just a minute. transfers!..nothing! except that my son Elder Holley is going to be my new Zone Leader. talk about awesome. im really glad I got to see him before i a missionary. not in real life.

Ok here are the main peoples:
-Kassi...she is a part member. She is really awesome. 16, she is going with the stake up to the Palmyra pageant this weekend so it will be a super big spiritual moment for her. im really excited. she keeps all of her commitments and loves meeting with us. just waiting for her glasses from NC so she can read.

-Sylvia...we are going to do service for her. When we taught her about the BOM, the spirit was really strong and she said she didnt need to pray about it to know that it was a true book. we had a hard time getting ahold of her which is nice because it taught me about dilligence and now we are cutting her grass which will soften her heart and almost guarantee a church attendance or two. :)

-Hamza...a Muslim guy. he came to church and a baptism and said he will never go to another Christian church again unless its a Mormon church! he loved it. we are teaching about the Atonement today so it will be powerful and he will be baptized soon. he is soo close to a belief in Christ. he use to be an athiest. now he believes in God! there is more but not enough time.

Things are well. im happy and myself which is nice. Elder Burningham and I get along really well. The ward trusts us pretty good and the biking is getting easier. Thanks for all the packages and cards and letters and all the support too. its really awesome!

we should have a baptism by the end of this transfer, which just started, but we are praying for it, so it will happen. i hope the pictures got there ok. im actually more lean than some of those pictures let on to be...maybe ill get some updated ones. although I think those are. I just have bigger pants. i need to get some tighter ones. but my thighs are massive from riding bikes! hope all is well in AZ!

Elder Malone

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


OK here we gooo...
Today's news is that we are spending a lot of time finding people to teach. and we
actually find people who want to hear about the gospel too! they have a desire.
it may not be too big but we are taking every chance we get and the Lord can see
Today is Blame Canada Day and my companion and I are going to be eating
pereogies. (per-ro-gees) they are mashed potatoes in ravioli. its a Canadian
thing so don't ask me about it. But I am making him celebrate the 4th with me. He
is in America! he shall do it. Oh and President said I cannot light fireworks on
the 4th either. He is a mean guy. But i bought him a really nice gray and blue
argyle sweater for our BIG meeting we had last week. it was really awesome. He
loved it. He said he will wear it but not during the summer. he did put it on
for a picture though which I will be sending soon. along with 7 cds of pictures.
I hope they work actually let me try them real quick...processing processing...
The ward itself is super awesome. We are really building some good trust and
excitement. its just a matter of getting these members to talk to people! they
claim they don't have anyone around them who isn't LDS. but at their dental
schools, its half LDS so they have a point.
ok the picture CDs work! so i will be sending them home and they are for
everyone to enjoy. now granted I have not really gone through all of them so
they may be some odd ones in there and random ones. but please DO NOT delete any
of them. i will await for word that they all work, i only tried one. then I
shall delete them off my camera. thanks for the love and encouragement. Friday
is my 21 month mark. Saturday i by my first 40 oz. wooot woot.
Elder Malone

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Transfer to Meadowbrooke.....

I think the "e" at the end makes it look a little more formal don't you think?

Well Meadowbrook is amazing!!! I love it soo much. The joys of living in
Richmond and being so close to all my favorite missionaries plus the ward is
great! We got the nicest welcome on Sunday and lots of missionary excitement.
The bishop is just all for missionary work and it gets the members all excited
too. It truly is a very dedicated area. makes me wonder why they changed both
missionaries out and haven't baptized in a while. But that will change.

We had a zone conference yesterday, a big one too. Sister Millburn who has
been sick for almost 11 months now showed up! it was really powerful when she
spoke and gave her testimony. I haven't seen her for like 11 months too. its
really sad but she is pulling through! At zone conference they mentioned some
really neat things about using the BOM in our teaching. Like how its easier to
convince people of the truthfulness of the BOM than it is to convince them that
we have the correct interpretation of Bible scriptures. very true!

President is starting something called the "146 Days to Remember". its a BOM challenge to read through it marking 5 scriptures for 15 different topics of the gospel. then we have to memorize them. but think of how much more powerful that would be! I'm excited, mostly because I'm already in Alma in my other BOM reading and marking up my military set of scriptures I got in Norfolk. So im marking principles in one set, reading from Alma to the end in my little BOM and starting over in a brand new copy. Not to mention I don't have 146 days left! :) so it has to be done faster. but not a problem. its an awesome book. not to mention a true one.

We are starting a new program called lesson series. The First Presidency has
asked that all missionaries teach at least 20 lessons a week to all kinds of
members and nonmembers. So we go into members homes and share a POWERFUL 10 min
lesson and then pray and walk out! it really only is supposed to last about
10-15 mins so not a hard job for the member. we do it once a week for 4 weeks
straight. then supposedly by week 2 or 3, they have someone to invite into their
home where we share another 15 min lesson. powerful once more. and this time its
all conversion from here on out!

Elder Burningham is my new companion. From Cardston, Alberta. very luckily for
me he is really into fitness so we are going to look good. Plus, he is really
funny, very spiritual and we get along great. the ward is solid in doing what
needs to be done and I'm on bike in south side of Richmond, VA. What else could a
guy ask for?
Elder Malone