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Wednesday, May 27, 2009

listen up children, it's goin' down

Dear Family,
All is well in Norfolk. Scotty Rey is getting baptized this weekend at 6 pm. We have a ward picnic that day too, so we are going to go and get people rallied up for the baptism. I made some more salsa today and my nose is burning because i rubbed my fingers over it. not a good thing to do reminder to all. We also made some pancit. Which is like the Filipino version of chow mein I guess. its pretty good. we are going to open up a Filipino restaurant. we also set a fire on the stove top. that was an adventure. elder stokes tried to take a picture but I blew it out too quick. we didn't reignite it. we aren't that dumb.

So we had a Zone Conference on Monday and it was a pretty good one. They talked all about dedicating yourself wholly to the work. Heart might mind and strength. something that I feel like I do, but not 100%. i can get up there to like the upper 80s maybe even the 90s, but not 100%. and its tough because it seems as if all the miracles and success happens when its 100%. you can give 80-90% effort in a classroom and still pass, but with God's service, its 100%. so that is my goal this week. and the weeks after, but a short range goal sounds nicer. and more accomplish-able.

Things are improving around the area too. Starting to learn more members and gain some trust with them. We hope to get things rolling this weekend as we are teaching the 5th Sunday lesson in the 3rd hour. Introducing the family mission plan and helping people start working with specific people. Its difficult. You would think that missionary work, being required of the Lord, would be made more of a priority. Which leads me to think back to a talk I was given some time ago about a lady with 3 doctorates in theology and other religious fields. She said, "do we really know what we have?" Its also been said that as you learn more about the Atonement, you learn more about why your actually out here. It is soo true too. This work is the best and only way people can be saved. Souls are brought back to God's presence by the work the WE do in OUR church. No other church has the priesthood. Its OUR mandate in this last day. To declare to all people whether they be in VA, AZ or Japan. IF you go to japan on business, declare it there too. So make that an effort, not to just pray for them, seek for them. seek and ye shall find. seek and ye shall be blessed.

love to all y'all,
Elder Malone

Friday, May 22, 2009

Letter Home 5/20/09

Well this one wont be too long today. We went to the stake center and had a big pday party with some other missionaries. Bro Knight, one of the members took us there too. He is pretty alright, for a Navy guy. You know how they go. You hear that Bro Knight! Huh? Those chili dogs really weren't that great after all! HA! Ok yes they were. I have to bike extra hard to work them off though. Oh by the way, I forgot to say, we are on bikes full-time. I think i said it, but just in case.

Well Scotty Rey, is getting baptized on the 30th. He gets more and more excited as the time goes on. He just needs to figure out his baptismal program and we should be all set. Also Haskell Corry is now officially set for June 13th. He is praying about it, but he still knows it is true so it will hold, no doubt.

Elder Stokes and I are doing alright. We go through our good times and our tough times. But we talk it over and we move on. It's not as touchy feely as it may sound. The talking over it aprt doesn't mean our voices are not raised. We both like to annoy each other. Its tough love you could say. or just, I-have-to-live-with-you-I-guess-I-can-love-you love. We shall see. Nothing really new to tell. other than things are well. everyone says I look skinnier since Deep Creek. Which was like 2 months ago. I'll take it I guess. I am eating small healthy meals, and lots of biking. It does the trick I guess. Spread the news.

It rains alot, and I love it. Especially cause I left my fender in Deep Creek, so water goes all over. But it aint bikin with out a dirty shirt. I swear no spaghetti sauce at all on my shirts in two year, but lots of dirt from rain water. very odd.
Elder Malone