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Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Letter home on 1/29/08

Hey how are ya'll? Hope all is well with the family.

Things are going well here. We just had another baptism on the 26th. His name is
Greg Harmon. Elder Horsley, one of the Elders who found him back in June, did
the baptism and the branch Prseident did the confirming. Greg's dad brought him
to the baptism which was a big step for him there! So that was really nice to
hear! And he even talked about church too! But he didn't come. Its ok though we
are going to work with Greg on missionary work with his dad. He is super solid
though. He watches BYU TV and reads all day long!

Well this past weekend has been really long for me and continues a little faster
at least. On Friday for dinner I had fried chicken so I used a hot sauce called
texas petes. Which is good stuff but hot. But I can handle it you know? Well
then on saturday for lunch I had nachos with texas pete again and for saturday
dinner I had mexican with salsa and hot sauce of course. So all in all my
stomach has been killing me all weekend even until now. Its not as bad but
definitely hurts. And it was not just the hot sauce. we think I might have an
ulcer. I have not had it checked out yet but because I have had no sharp or
terrible pains today I think I am alright. But who knows? If it continues
through the week, I promise promise I will go to the hospital. OK? no worries.

We finally had another investigator come to church! Her name is Ruth and she
needs the gospel bad. Her family is torn up and she smokes. So she will need
some work but she is very into the gospel. Luckily she came last sunday or
else we would not be able to have any baptisms in Feburary! :( not that i am focusing on
that but investigators need to go to church 4 times before getting baptized. So
its a step and we are asked to baptized monthly. I am doing good so far! We
have about 7 investigators we could set for baptism but we just need them to
come to church! So we will set them and have the Lord help us in getting them

I have really learned to trust the Lord. Because knowing that I am right with
Him is worth more than being "cool" in the eyes of other missionaries, I do not
care really about ties or being the center of the crowd. I do what I want and
thats follow the Lord. Unfortunately there are alot of Elders who focus on other
things. So I keep my mind in the clear and be an example. No one likes to hear
advice from a younger missionary even though I am more focused. So I set the
example and they follow after a little while.

I found out about some Malones. They own a lot of land in Virginia. A small town
abvoe the border of NC and VA. Ruth mentioned the last name because her daughter
married into them. So she could be my link into them. I hope so. I think the
town is in the mission or close enough at least so I could contact them. I will find
out more but I think that is them. I never got the genealogy information if it
got sent. Please resend?

I am very grateflul to have such a loving family who supports me. I apologize
for my ignorance and selfishness I have displayed these past 3 months. It is
very difficult to adjust to so much in this short time. It is leveling out but I still
feel it. I hope I will be nicer to ya'll as time goes on. I have really gained
a greater appreciation for my family out here. I look forward to sharing
memories with ya'll. Even if I don't write very much of them, I have them. And
if I do not express love then I apologize. I feel it more than I say it. I am
learning more about myself and where I play a part in God's plan. Its comforting
to know that we have a part and we can fulfill it through Christ and through
faith. Have faith. Its what I rely on and the Lord gives me more everyday. Use
yours so it builds like mine does. MY favorite scripture recently is Alma 13:3...
exceedingly great faith is mentioned twice.
FAITH- find it. apply it. share it. build it.
I know that it will get us through the storms. Faith is the foundation on which
we build. The first principle of the Gospel is faith. Faith faith faith. I love
it! And you should too! I know you will. Love to all.
Elder Malone

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Letter on 1/22/08

Hey how ya'll been?
OK this week has been really good. I really am liking my new companion Elder Quebbeman. He is very sincere in his teachings and his knowledge is very high as well. He makes me really concentrate on the teaching and making sure the person really understands the doctrine. Its hard sometimes to have to explain words like Priesthood and Apostasy. Words I have always known growing up! But its new to them so I explain it.
We have a baptism this saturday on the 26th. Then the 27th he should be getting confirmed. President and Sister Millburn are also coming to talk then too! So we are tyring to get as many people there as we can. At the lastest Bishopric training, President Millburn spoke about how he only has 170 missionaries in the mission and said that if you do not utilize them he WILL take them out of there! And he does. Two areas that have not ben doing so well lately, he pulled them out. And they were pretty nice sized wards too! So there you go. He doesn't lie. But he also brought up Ahoskie as an example a number of times. So he is VERY pleased with our work. And he helps us out alot with extra miles and rules being bent to help us be more efficient. Like how we have a 15 year old kid we take out on exchanges. you have to be at least 16 preferably and an Elder but you can't always get that. So he is way awesome. He had to go to an Apostle to get that approval by the way.
I would highly encourage all the read the Ensigns thoroughly. They are very good in that they are testimonies throughout the day of different men and women God has called to be in that magizine. In the July 2007 one Elder Holland gives a very good talk. I am not done with it but he really talked about relying on the Lord as we are in the last times. And I have really learned to do that. When companions are tough and the work is tougher you turn to HIm that is ALWAYS there. So I put my trust in HIM and see the goodness from that. But he says, "just be faithful. God is in charge. He knows your name and He knows your need." and how true is that! I have really seen a difference in my prayers lately too! Last night as I knelt in personal prayer, I really felt like I was talking to a person not just an unseen person who is to be feared. But I felt like He was right there by my side. And it was soo personal and soo casual(stil using the language of prayer) but in that I just talked. Not asking but openly and directly. It really changed my attitude towards Him as an actual Father. I knew it all along but last night really hit me. Well I wish I had more time but these people here are not very nice. But thanks for the continued support and prayers. I feel those the most!
Love to all Elder Malone

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Letter home on 1/15/08

Mom and Dad,

Hey ok I will see how well this works. Things have been going really well here. Transfers just came in last night and I am staying here with Elder Hall. Elder Brockman is going to Cape Henry with a missionary who is a little apostate. So that will be good because he is really good at helping out other missionaries with their issues. Elder Hall is awesome! He is the one from Sequim, WA. WE get a long very well so its really good to know I get to stay with him. WE are getting a another Elder down here named Elder Quebbeman. (k-web-man). He sounds like a great guy. Kinda quiet which will be nice because Elder Brockman is really loud a lot. He likes to tell you exactly what he is thinking always. So it might be nice to have some peace. But he is a great Elder. He just baptized a lady last saturday named Felita Holloman. She is way awesome and so strong. She had struggles but she can recoginze the adversary in them and knows that overcoming them will help her. So she overcame them and is now a member! We have an other baptism planned for the 26th of jan. His name is greg harmon. he is a really great guy as well. he has been investigating for a while and he knows its true. just its hard to get a hold of him because he doesnt have a car or phone. we have a guy named donye. he was set for feb 9th. but you have to go to church 4times and he hasnt been yet so we need to push that back. but he is in alma chapter 30 something and we only gave the BOM to him on the 1st! so he is was prepared and is also talking about sharing it with his friends! its just really hard because he lives about 20 miles away with no car. so its really hard to get him to come to church. its funny how we have a really good developing area with a low income. everyone loves the church but can't make it to church. :(

I was reading in my personal study today about King Benjamins address in Mosiah 4 and it was awesome how he just tells the people straight out that they are sinners and should be condemned if they dont repent! he even said that if you refuse a beggar and look down upon them than you need to repent too! just beause they live a lower life doesnt mean they got themselves into it. the Lord gave us soo much and we thanks him for it. We also are beggars ourselves when we ask God for things. So why should be shun that away from others? I really liked that chapter.

Oh and im sorry to say but I am turning Apostate, meaning im rebelling. We went out of the mission boundaries into the Raleigh,NC mission a few times. Because we have a member who lives out there so we get to drive out there. Its only about 20 mins away so no big deal. :) its fun though to say that I've been out of the mission. We had to get an Apostle to approve it. and we cannot work out there. so its cool. we go over there and joke about not being missionaries anymore. :) they are an awesome family though.

One last thing. I started what is called a 40 day purification fast. tis where you fast for one day and write down all things that bring you away from missionary work and the Spirit. then for the next 40 days after that you "fast" or stay away from those things. and its really helped a lot. i keep more focused. and i have a stronger Spirit with me too. By keeping those thoughts out of mind I literally am being "set apart" from the world. and its not a sacrifice to me because we were sent out here not to bring it with us but leave it behind. so if we sings those songs and quote movies all day then it is just like at home, so i choose to be different in that regard.

Thank you soo much for raising me to be like this. even though i was a tough hard headed boy I know that you two (and jacque)stuck with me and im grateful for much. because its interesting to see how I want to make those decisions for myself. and I feel like I am blessed more because I do it for the right reasons. i had those things in me all along. just removing myself from others and being closer to the Lord helped me realize my true person. and now that I finally can sense who I am, I am really working on bringing him out more. I just hope I can make him a permanant guy. not just temporary. but thanks again for all you do and your prayers.
I love you both.
Elder Malone