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Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Shamrock Garden? TRANSFERRED!!!!

Well here is the big news. They are "shotgunning" Glen Allen meaning everyone will die. :( ...No it means that they are pulling all missionaries out and putting brand new ones in. should be fun. it helps to mix things up and get some new blood in there. two people who don't know the area go in without a bias or anything. it seems to be really beneficial. I am going down to Deep Creek,VA which is in the same area as Portsmouth,VA. i believe I'll be in a car too but I'm not quite sure yet. I have driven through it and been to the building there. It's a nice area. i hope it will prove to be beneficial. I'm actually getting shotgunned in to it. So me and Elder Barr, my new comp will have to learn everything from scratch but it should be a fun time.

Also I'm not a DL anymore which I'm OK with... too much time spent on other things. i would rather focus more on the work and the area. not so much calling people and helping them. Don't get me wrong. i love helping others. but i kinda feel like lately I'm slipping in helping others instead of myself. "he that loseth his life shall gain it" right? well "the Lord helps those who help themselves" so it's time to help myself i guess. Elder Holley is going to Newport News so pretty close to me which is good because he is driving me up the wall! So its sad that I'm leaving but I'm excited to go to the promised land!

oh my new address if y'all care to write is :
1306 Shamrock Garden Ct.
Deep Creek, VA 23323

yeah kinda fruity but hey I'm Irish so no worries.

Not too much to say really. Things have kinda been dying to be honest. A lot of our investigators have been avoiding us. even though we have been finding a TON of new ones it's sad that the old ones were soo close. Tom and Lisa have disappeared. and Anne is still struggling with her arm but she said the nicest things about me. she is a sweet old cranky lady. she knows it too. :)

Well as far as the mission goes, there are going to be some sister TAs. but no Elder TAs (yet) i hope they bust them out soon. its been almost a year since it ended. but actually President is changing things up a lot. i haven't heard about it before it so its intense. the Assistants are working in their own area and not the office. they will work with trainers and greenies for a few days when they first get in and then let them loose in their own areas. so like tomorrow, Thursday, the trainers and greenies go to somewhere i don't know where. but on Friday and sat, they will be with the assistants and learn all about PMG. just get it hammered into them. and then come Sunday they will all turn back to their areas and finish the transfer there. A lot of people who were ZLs or Dl are getting "demoted" but its all good. it gives more people a chance at leadership. and luckily you cant mess up too much in mission leadership. unless your an asst or president. but that's about all for right now. any questions?

sorry its short and not informative. i am sick right now which stinks. i have a temp and probably a sinus infection or something. i don't know but it sucketh. so I'm going to go to a local pharmacy and get something called bucklies.which is actually a cure for the common cold developed by a Canadian pharmacist. so go figure. the slogan is, tastes terrible, works great. so I'm all kinds of excited about this. :)

tell people i said hi and let me know about stuff.
Elder Malone

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

missionaries only fly twice... to and from home.

well i did attempt to fly a third time. and the Lord chastened me for doing is the plunge of incredibleness.
So...we were riding on Monday morning to go to an appt with a guy named Mike. nice guy by the way. and while we were riding, i did something I always do..naturally i took my hands off the handle bars. i pulled out my little pocket map and started to look and see if we had missed the street or not. while i was biking, my bike drifted to the side of the street causing me to come too close to the curb. well in my efforts to get back on to the asphalt, my tire decided that instead of hopping over the curb and continuing onward, it wanted to twist around and stop right in its place. so of course it won. and next thing i know, im soaring over the bars with map in hand. my legs didnt make it over the bars so i took the bars with me, landing on them and then carried them with my legs as my momentum pulled me to a stop about 8 feet later. it..was..epic! i loved it! well, looking back now, at the time, it hurt somethin' awful. i laid there not sure which part hurt the most just knowing that there was alot on my right side that hurt. luckily, my face is ok. *phew* life goes on in the dating scene. ;) shoulder got a good rub on the ground, and my elbow as well. my leg hurt really bad, so when i got up to walk, we went over to the 7-11, (thank heaven) to check said pain in leg. on checking i came to the conclusion that the tear in my garments and blood on them could mean something. i wasnt quite sure what but hoping for the worst, i look and noticed that, that my tissue? why by golly it is! that cant be good. who do i need to call to tell? so sure enough, on the inside of my right leg, there was a nice gash. still not quite sure what from because my brake handle is probabaly what i landed on and its not sharp! maybe thats why it hurt so bad... a deep blunt wound. ugh. so i got it stitched up and went home to rest for a little bit. but we got bored so we walked over to some members homes and tried to talk with them but there were kinda busy... so...nothing really exciting happened on monday. but everyone has been really nice about it! i get calls from my district almost at every meal to see how i am. we have a car now for a few days because i dont want to irritate the stitches and pull them on a bike. its nice. i miss cars sometimes. but sure enough, we get a car now when its like 75. last week it was like 90. where was my car then?! HUH?

so nothing really new. just some new wounds but hey, it was about time right?

OH OH OH! news! so..they called an emergency ZLC today. its a zone leader council. so im not going. BUT! why would they call one "emergency"? they have one coming up in about 2 weeks. i personally think two things.
1. Charlottesville is becoming its own stake, meaning a new zone will be opening. so thats big news! a city making its own stake. Richmond is covered by 3! (well, there are only about 5 actually covering the city limits, but because it goes over to the south side, there are two different wards down there that take the cake on that.) but it means that the church is growing out here! so that could be the cause of much rejoicing among the believers.
2. when i came out last year it was the end of a program called the TA program. Training Assistant. where about 1 missionary goes to a different area each week to help train missionareis on PMG and misionary work. just to help get the mission to become a preach my gospel mission. and there is a rumor among the zls that President might be bringing that back in! i really hope so for two reasons.
a. I really really want to be a TA. you have to know misionary work really well, not to mention PMG. BUT what a blessing! plus, its different every week, talk about trust, and ever since i came out i wanted to be one. more than an AP or ZL.
b. i never had one, so i would like to have one if they start it back up.
so i dont really know about it, whether its happeneing or not, but transfer calls are on tuesday so we shall know then right? :) pray family. pray for success!
i hope all is well with yall. i'll definitely keep yall in my prayers as always. thanks for the $upport and love. it helps alot.
Elder Malone
p.s. Autumn is on Monday! everyone pray that it will last forever this time. jut cancel out winter and keep autumn! hooray for autumn!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Miracles and more Miracle!

Well...thoughts. nothing is coming to mind. oh miracle time! OK so i guess in he umbilical cord, there are supposed to be two main vessels right? well, this ward missionary who is really cool and super great guy, his wife is pregnant. and she was having problems with it. apparently there was only 1 main vessel which causes problems with the baby or for her. serious problems. so they asked for a blessing the other day. and after email last week, we stopped off at a Kroger to shop and she was outside! so we talked and it turns out that she had a Dr's appt that morning and she had 3 vessels! so I'm guessing that's really good because she was really excited about it! so talk about a miracle. i was really glad for her. they are a great great family. they fed us liver once. :) at our request. good stuff.

Well...Aaron, my friend who i feel like i was sent here to find. he is moving this weekend, so our last appt with him is tonight! we are going to talk about the plan and basically just do whatever we can to help him get settled on the right foot. so when the church comes looking for him where ever he goes, he will be ready. he is really cool. he doesn't know quite where he is going in life but does hope to open an orphanage i believe. something like that. its really neat. great guy.
Elder Holley is doing well. surprisingly because I'm training him. he picks up on things really well. somethings a little too well. so i watch my actions because i don't want to be a hypocrite. :( its good though. somethings i don't tell him, he picks up by example.(not mine of course :) but I'm glad. its good to know that he is learning from me. the assistants say he is a good kid so i hope its true. they don't usually lie, unless it comes to cell phones, miles and exchanges.

Speaking of miracles and assistants! last Thursday we went on an exchange with the assistants. finally because they said they would a year ago! two completely different elders promised it to me. but these ones are still good. they really taught me a lot. and elder Hancock and i met an extremely prepared lady. her name is Kim. she is a YSA so she is not our gator, but still! i got to meet her and find her. we sang to her on her doorstep and she really liked it. then we talked about things with her and she really really liked the church. she was so excited that we set her for baptism on her doorstep! its incredible. she is just the sweetest (and the cutest) lady ever. it was a such a blessing to see how the Lord kept us there for that long of a time. we went to see a less active and he wasn't there. so just talking with everyone we could, and asking for referrals, we stayed on one street for almost 3 hours. which was just long enough. because as we were walking back to the truck, we stopped to talk to one last person who was not interested at all, but it bought us just 60 secs longer. Kim pulled up as we were talking to him. so when we stopped, we ran over to hr house and knocked on her door. it was an amazing blessing! I'm soooo grateful the Lord counted me as one worthy to find her. doing what we were supposed to do, the Lord helped us find the elect. I love Him.
Elder Malone
p.s. pray for hurricane Josephine and Ike to be good ones!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Letters of words forgotten

That's a pretty epic title huh? yeah i love writing. Well here is something interesting. I finally retired a pair of shoes. Oh they were bad. I will have to mail out pictures to y'all sometime. they had holes and everything. Multiple holes in each shoe. So i thought it was time to get rid of them. so we did. and now I'm using my other pair which are fast disappearing as well. not too many dress shoes can hold up to a bike or even tracting. so as a wish list to start i would ask for new shoes. Dr Martens are a good idea. they are comfy and good soled. i think its a good investment for that instead of a bunch of $30 shoes every time. Dr Martens are cheap(er), and they last! there is a member who has been home almost 10 years and he still has his. they are not really worn too much from his mission. he offered them to me but they are too big. :( too bad huh? so yeah no rush but those would be nice.

Elder Holley is from Sandy, Ut where there is no sand. and he has 2 siblings. he plans on going into medicine and goes to byu. he is a really funny kid and he has a good testimony. its difficult training just because I'm not too good at laying down the law one might say. i figure he knows whats right and he is an adult so if he chooses to brush his teeth at 1030 then its his deal. he has plenty of time to brush before. so i don't hound him about it. it causes contention or at least it can. but i feel it is my duty to say a little something. so i do but not too much. its almost physically impossible for me to get out the words to tell him no.

Aaron, the guy i told y'all I'm here to find is amazing! we don't really teach him because he teaches us. he knows tons and tons about the bible and the history also. the ONLY thing keeping him caught up from joining is the sabbath day changing from sat to sun. so we are going to talk about the priesthood to him and see what he says then. because he claims that Christ didn't even have that authority to change it so why should man? its tough but he will join one day. but as we were leaving though, he said that he has been feeling for a few weeks now that he needs to "be in my life" for some reason. he cant explain it and why but he asked for my AZ information. so i gave it to him. but it was really awesome that he feels like that too. i was wondering what's going on with him. but the interesting thing is that he is planning on moving on Sept 13th. and transfers are a week afterward. so good timing huh? i met him my first transfer here and we are both leaving around the same time. proof enough for me!

i love this gospel with all my soul. I may not understand it all but the truth is constantly made manifest unto my by little things the Lord does. I had an incredible study the other day in which I learned that I need to trust the Lord more. All learned from D&C 19:23. talking of meekness. i need to trust him more and forget about other things. just like in 3 Nephi 13 :26-35 or something like that. "consider the lilies" let us all trust in the Lord is my prayer this evening. Love to all y'all.
Elder Malone
p.s. today is my 11th!