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Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Letter home 7/15/09

Hello family!

Things are going super well here in meadowbrook. I really love it here. lots of people to teach which i will talk about all of them in just a minute. transfers!..nothing! except that my son Elder Holley is going to be my new Zone Leader. talk about awesome. im really glad I got to see him before i a missionary. not in real life.

Ok here are the main peoples:
-Kassi...she is a part member. She is really awesome. 16, she is going with the stake up to the Palmyra pageant this weekend so it will be a super big spiritual moment for her. im really excited. she keeps all of her commitments and loves meeting with us. just waiting for her glasses from NC so she can read.

-Sylvia...we are going to do service for her. When we taught her about the BOM, the spirit was really strong and she said she didnt need to pray about it to know that it was a true book. we had a hard time getting ahold of her which is nice because it taught me about dilligence and now we are cutting her grass which will soften her heart and almost guarantee a church attendance or two. :)

-Hamza...a Muslim guy. he came to church and a baptism and said he will never go to another Christian church again unless its a Mormon church! he loved it. we are teaching about the Atonement today so it will be powerful and he will be baptized soon. he is soo close to a belief in Christ. he use to be an athiest. now he believes in God! there is more but not enough time.

Things are well. im happy and myself which is nice. Elder Burningham and I get along really well. The ward trusts us pretty good and the biking is getting easier. Thanks for all the packages and cards and letters and all the support too. its really awesome!

we should have a baptism by the end of this transfer, which just started, but we are praying for it, so it will happen. i hope the pictures got there ok. im actually more lean than some of those pictures let on to be...maybe ill get some updated ones. although I think those are. I just have bigger pants. i need to get some tighter ones. but my thighs are massive from riding bikes! hope all is well in AZ!

Elder Malone

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


OK here we gooo...
Today's news is that we are spending a lot of time finding people to teach. and we
actually find people who want to hear about the gospel too! they have a desire.
it may not be too big but we are taking every chance we get and the Lord can see
Today is Blame Canada Day and my companion and I are going to be eating
pereogies. (per-ro-gees) they are mashed potatoes in ravioli. its a Canadian
thing so don't ask me about it. But I am making him celebrate the 4th with me. He
is in America! he shall do it. Oh and President said I cannot light fireworks on
the 4th either. He is a mean guy. But i bought him a really nice gray and blue
argyle sweater for our BIG meeting we had last week. it was really awesome. He
loved it. He said he will wear it but not during the summer. he did put it on
for a picture though which I will be sending soon. along with 7 cds of pictures.
I hope they work actually let me try them real quick...processing processing...
The ward itself is super awesome. We are really building some good trust and
excitement. its just a matter of getting these members to talk to people! they
claim they don't have anyone around them who isn't LDS. but at their dental
schools, its half LDS so they have a point.
ok the picture CDs work! so i will be sending them home and they are for
everyone to enjoy. now granted I have not really gone through all of them so
they may be some odd ones in there and random ones. but please DO NOT delete any
of them. i will await for word that they all work, i only tried one. then I
shall delete them off my camera. thanks for the love and encouragement. Friday
is my 21 month mark. Saturday i by my first 40 oz. wooot woot.
Elder Malone