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Tuesday, October 30, 2007

10/30/07 Email and Update on Elder Malone!

See Emailing and Addresses for his new address. His p-day is on Tues. so expect an email then.
From Greg:

Well now at the Chesterfield county library I have an hour to write so good news there. But Im loving it in Virginia! it is amazing! The weather is really nice. Not too much color change on the trees because they havent had much rain lately. But its gorgeous. the ward is awesome! they are filthy rich. The knight family owns a Universtiy in Virginia for charity only. And they buy and run hotels from Hilton and Marriot. Among other things. But they are really awesome though. My typical day is wake up. study from 8-10 both personal and companion. then tracting till 1. then lunch and study till 2. then tracting or appointments. then dinner-usually by a member. then we teach them or they visit less actives with us or appointments. and then planning from 9-930 and then bed by 10. but they have a really cool ward mission plan. but im in Midlothian ward. and its really big. not with members but size. its about 15 mile radius? something like that. elder rappleye is really sweet. he is really smart and knows a lot about the gospel. OH! we visited a lady named Rita Keiser and after a year of teaching she said, "Well I cant have you guys come over anymore." so I got sad but then she said she wants to be baptized! so we were really happy about that. but it was part her fellowshipper. they are in the same boat with only member in family and kinda older with no family. and i placed my first Book of Mormon to a "die-hard episcopal" as she put it. but 15 mins on her doorstep and she was touched by the spirit. so she accepted the book and promised to read it! well thats mostly it for now.
Love Elder Malone

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So funny to hear Elder M say the ward is huge at a 15 mile radius. Back in the day we drove about 45 minutes to get to church, and that was before the block meetings so twice on Sunday and again for Primary during the week.