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Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Letter on 1/22/08

Hey how ya'll been?
OK this week has been really good. I really am liking my new companion Elder Quebbeman. He is very sincere in his teachings and his knowledge is very high as well. He makes me really concentrate on the teaching and making sure the person really understands the doctrine. Its hard sometimes to have to explain words like Priesthood and Apostasy. Words I have always known growing up! But its new to them so I explain it.
We have a baptism this saturday on the 26th. Then the 27th he should be getting confirmed. President and Sister Millburn are also coming to talk then too! So we are tyring to get as many people there as we can. At the lastest Bishopric training, President Millburn spoke about how he only has 170 missionaries in the mission and said that if you do not utilize them he WILL take them out of there! And he does. Two areas that have not ben doing so well lately, he pulled them out. And they were pretty nice sized wards too! So there you go. He doesn't lie. But he also brought up Ahoskie as an example a number of times. So he is VERY pleased with our work. And he helps us out alot with extra miles and rules being bent to help us be more efficient. Like how we have a 15 year old kid we take out on exchanges. you have to be at least 16 preferably and an Elder but you can't always get that. So he is way awesome. He had to go to an Apostle to get that approval by the way.
I would highly encourage all the read the Ensigns thoroughly. They are very good in that they are testimonies throughout the day of different men and women God has called to be in that magizine. In the July 2007 one Elder Holland gives a very good talk. I am not done with it but he really talked about relying on the Lord as we are in the last times. And I have really learned to do that. When companions are tough and the work is tougher you turn to HIm that is ALWAYS there. So I put my trust in HIM and see the goodness from that. But he says, "just be faithful. God is in charge. He knows your name and He knows your need." and how true is that! I have really seen a difference in my prayers lately too! Last night as I knelt in personal prayer, I really felt like I was talking to a person not just an unseen person who is to be feared. But I felt like He was right there by my side. And it was soo personal and soo casual(stil using the language of prayer) but in that I just talked. Not asking but openly and directly. It really changed my attitude towards Him as an actual Father. I knew it all along but last night really hit me. Well I wish I had more time but these people here are not very nice. But thanks for the continued support and prayers. I feel those the most!
Love to all Elder Malone

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