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Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Birthday list anyone???

Well all is well today and so far. Last week though we had like 8 appointments dropped. They just didn't show up! So its been getting a little frustrating trying to get a hold of people. The work is really slowing down. But its awesome though because its all the work of the adversary trying to slow it down. So we just work harder at calling people and trying to contact them. and it doesn't always work but when you pray at night and account the day to the Lord I feel His smile on my day. And some thoughts for how to do better for tomorrow. So its nice to receive that daily.

I know that all of you are really worried and anxiously awaiting my birthday list. so here it is.
-Food(dry stuff is good.)
-Cologne( my top choice is 360 degrees by Perry Ellis...the blue color)
-pictures from home
-money to fix my bike and buy things needed
sorry its a pretty lame list. but I'm not a man of material things. if I need it I'll buy it. and that's where number 4 comes in. but its always good to smell good. sorry...i really don't know what else to put on there. use y'alls imagination. I'm open to anything. i got a Hannah Montana cake for my first district meeting. it was awesome. i love her.

Speaking of district meeting we just had one on Friday and it was awesome! I really planned it out to try and maximize the spirit and it worked! I was afraid it wouldn't turn out as well as I wanted it to but it really did. We talked about properly preparing our investigators for baptism and how to do so. then we practiced setting them for baptism. and that really helped invite the Spirit. We had some time set apart for pondering and really trying to see how we could reach out to our investigators needs, and it turned out to go really well. So we had a lesson with Anne, this one lady, and we set her for baptism on august 2! she is really nice. we tracted into her a few weeks back. she is kinda cranky but really nice. she is very interested and knows the church is true. she doesn't doubt it. she just needs(and wants) to read the BOM. once she does and comes to church she will be baptized! the hard part is that she had shoulder replacement surgery so she cant lift her arm and she cant do her hair. we have tried so many different ways to help her come and it wont work. she wont come until she ca do her hair to look "presentable" for the Lord. which is good and all...but its been 3 years for her like this. so we talked about her putting the faith first and then the miracle will follow. (Ether12) so we are just going to leave it up to her now. Transfers are coming up next Thursday. we don't find out who is leaving until next week. But I don't think either myself nor Elder Meyers will be leaving. We work really well together. and we haven't had any fights or quarrels. so its really nice. and the bike is really good now too. its easy to bike and fun sometimes. I'm not afraid of the weather. it's my legs I'm afraid will give out. but the Lord is on my side. I ran over a nail and it punctured through the tube on both sides so its in the shop now getting serviced. so please put money into my account asap. i don't know how much but alot should suffice.

Nothing really new lately. Happy birthday to everyone who has one coming up in June. its weird to think that my "blackout year" or my full year as a missionary is half gone. its gone by too fast. next year it wont be all spent in VA. that is not a good feeling or thought. i really love it out here. there is nothing that is too bad, that prohibits us from sharing the Gospel. why should we let anything get in the way? the Saviour didn't. so I wont.
Love Elder Malone
p.s. Alma 5

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