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Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Thank you for using your cell phones outside of the library

Its a sign i just looked up at and saw. I think it really speaks true to our day and age, dont you?

Well here is the BIG news about transfers. The one thing I was always really hesitant about is coming true. So we are in and planning last night and I was thinking about getting the calls. Because when you get called to leadership its from the assistants. When its training a greenie or special assignment its from the President. Sooo... i was wondering who got calls and what they were for and sure enough, our phone starts to ring. Oh! well who could it possibly be? Well son of a vondruke if it isnt the President on the other line! Wow president, wasnt expecting to hear from you today! what can I do you fer? Well elder malone, the Lord has chosen you(duh) train a new missionary in your area. Meaning Glen Allen. So needless to say i was terrified. The Spirit just poured over me when he said that though and I just really felt strongly like its what im supposed to do! kinda funny though because the one thing I never really had an inclination to do is now my deepest desire! I really really want to train this new Elder now. I dont know his name or anything about him. What happens is that tomorrow, we all meet at the building at 10am and get some training. Then...we go into this room and the president tells us who our new greenies are! The best part is that elder shock and elder hatch. two guys i came out with are training as well! Its mine and elder shocks first but elder hatchs second. Elder clegg, another i came out with has trained twice now too! So its pretty awesome. I really love it. I feel really calm and excited to meet him and get started! The best is that it will keep me on my toes and keep me going. Plus all the greenies coming out have been really awesome lately so good news there. but a dad! woo-hoo!

On a sadder note, I heard about Russia invading Georgia (the country not the state). so it made me wonder, what happens to the missionaries in Russia? because i heard that they closed it down for missionaries. No more allowed in. so what happened to Andrew? does anyone know? could someone find out please? thanks a ton!

Well things have been going alright here in good ol Glen Allen. Lots of new people to teach. we are still working with Anne the hair lady. she is still working on it all but she is going back to physical therapy so she can get better. and she still promises to come to church. she is great lady. i love her to death...Also a cool family named the Watsons. Tom, Lisa and jesse. They are great as well. We had a super sweet lesson with them. The spirit was amazingly strong and all too! but not even 2 mins after we shared the First Vision, their son woke up and ruined the whole thing! But they really wanted to meet again and they even bore testimony about Joseph Smith. saying how its amazing that a boy that young saw God! i know right?! We havent been able to meet because of stupid adversity BUT tonights appointment will go through! fingers crossed and knocking on wood....we also are working with a family named the Johnsons to get their less-active family to church again. The johnsons are on fire with converts! Their son a year ago and Akua (his girlfriend) in may. So with this new family they have a boy who is 15 and unordained and a 9 yearold not baptized. So it falls to the missionaries hands and so myself and "elder greenie" will have a good challenge ahead of us! I am really looking forward to it though.

The Lord is really blessing us with people to teach not to mention keeping me here in Glen Allen is a super big blessing. Its like the best place in town. Seriously, this is a place i want to take y'all after my mission if y'all still want to come pick me up. I would love to have y'all come! and meet these fine people. well not much else to say really. Just sooper dooper excited to train now! Wish me luck and pictures will be coming soon!

Love Elder Malone
p.s. helaman 4:20-26 the Lords church needs to be built on obedience, other wise it WILL fall. that goes for all of us too!

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