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Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Where in the Hades is Farmville, Va?

Well, its considered the heart of Va. So if you get a map and point to the middle, somewhat, you'll find me. I love it out here. I was uncertain as to how I would like it. we got a very unexcited response to us our first Sunday. We don't have very many members in the branch, so we are working on that. We are making sure to not waste time at members homes and to be on time. It builds trust you see. That's what we need. We are working on getting the Priesthood more involved also. We need exchanges and they need the blessings/growth.

Here is some miracles and people we are teaching:

-Bobby Carwile and Sam Elholm, have been investigating for a while now. They are a really great family. I'm excited that they are still talking with us. They plan to get married soon but they don't know when. Also they want to be baptized, so we set them for a date to help speed things up. They are praying about April 25th. They feel really good about it, they face a lot of trials but they are being blessed for their obedience. We had a powerful lesson the other day. It's funny because we felt strongly about sharing a particular lesson with them, we get there and they bear a powerful testimony of it right off. So the Spirit helps us to address their needs and it was probably one of the most Spiritual lessons. Only twice have I born a testimony that brought me to tears during a lesson. It was amazing the way the Lord used me. I was extremely humbled that night. Good things are happening there...

-Jay B, we met him walking along the road. He said he met with the missionaries before and it was mostly his GF who was interested. Well he agreed to meet again and he loves it! He was going to go to church at another church, but we committed him(after a really long, Spiritual lesson) to come with us. He did and felt everything really speak to him. He said, if this really is the truth, then I want to jump right in and just go for it. Well he is doing that because he got his confirmation. Amazing...

-We had 6 people to church last week too. Probably the most I've had my whole mission. The members are bringing friends and they love it. We are actually going bowling with some of the YSA's tonight to get to know them a little bit better before we teach them. Good way for lots of people to come together and see us as people, not just Elders.

Also our first day here we met a really neat kid at Goodwill named Brian. He is pretty interested. He is coming bowling so he will get involved more in the branch which is really good. He loves to learn, so we hope its more of a wanting to convert and not so much, I want to learn. He is tough to teach though because he stares you down and doesn't look away. So it can be tough to determine his understanding.

Well much love to all y'all. thanks for the prayers. I'm having such a great time out here. We are being blessed. I'm back up in Richmond(ish). I have some of my favorite people in this zone too, so the meetings are really great. Its such a great way to do missionary work. with those you love.

My love to all,
Elder Malone

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