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Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Letter from Greg 2/26/08

Well I don't know how this will go. I haven't been able to clearly put all my thoughts down on paper like I really want to. I have been doing some real up and down times in life. Just extreme lows and highs. But i can really feel love for the people now.

Good news! A lady here named Felita, got baptized in Jan. She is moving to Scottsdale in June to go to culinary school there! So she will be there when I'm home! how sweet is that? I'm looking forward to her living there. she is sooo awesome.

Well I'm sorry to say but I had a crazy black lady propose to me the other day. She is really interesting. She is a member of the holiness church. Pentecostal. yeah they are crazy and everywhere! and she likes to talk to us. but has this weird attraction to me for some reason. so we talk with her through her screen. and i don't talk much to her but she will occasionally stop the conversation to talk to me, and she randomly asked me if i would marry her. I said no of course and my only nice excuse i could say was "I'm on a mission." i didn't want to say because you're old or Pentecostal but she didn't think it was a good excuse. but luckily she left it alone. yeah she is weird.

I have always prayed before my study in the morning to use what I learn throughout the day. and it finally happened! we were teaching Felita and everything I had learned in the morning about loving others and using the BOM helped her exactly as she needed! it was so amazing to see that even the random scriptures I cross-referenced had helped her out too! it truly was a tender mercy from the Lord and I thanked Him ten times over for that. it was awesome to see the fruits of my labor for that day. I met brother Zundel's family out here. This guy in my ward passed away the week after President Hinckley. And his daughter married Brother Zundel's cousin. whose last name is the same. so when he introduced himself i found it couldn't be just a coincidence. so i asked if he had family in AZ and he said he did in mesa! so it was his cousin! it was really cool. he took pictures that he should have sent to brother zundel. they are from Maryland i believe.

Sorry my typing is poor. my hands are shaking pretty badly. Last night was transfer calls. so we can stay up later! and elder quebbeman and i decided to duct tape 2- 2 liter bottles of soda to our hands and drink it! we both only got one down in an hour and gave up. but it was awesome.

It will be Elder Quebbeman, elder Roberts and myself in Ahoskie now, so its good. I heard elder roberts is a strong obedient missionary...exactly the one I was praying for which is good to know. I do not hold myself higher than any other missionary, but i am here to grow.

I would suggest to everyone to please go and buy the new spring Oreos!they are to die for and also if you submerge them in milk.... its like celestial kingdom worthy. i tell you what. oh man. but i thank everyone for their kindness and support no matter what. sorry about my lacking to write. it tough out here. not so much physical but mentally.
Love Elder Malone

p.s. don't keep hidden wedges. read president monson talk in July 2007! good stuff!

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