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Tuesday, April 15, 2008

The Move to Richmond.....

Well Elder Davis is pretty alright. We get a long great. He is very obedient so a big change for me. It keeps me going so I like it some. I finally found out his schtich you could say...something that makes me itch that just settles a little off with me. He is very tight about his money and eats very healthy-like. so not a huge thing. but its different. We get along well for the most part. Being more obedient has really helped me see more missionary miracles. little prayers answered throughout the day that make it much better. tracting is going well actually. its really tough because everyone has been tracted into so we just introduce it differently. its a challenge to say the same message different ways every time. but you'd be surprised how i can relate anything back to the restoration. all in all though its going well. Glen Allen is a really nice ward. lots of good member work going on so we have people and dinners too! that's a huge step up. biking is getting hard but sometimes its easy too. in Richmond, if you're not going down you're going up. so just think of that all day. sometimes we take downhills but then you got to come back up. tough times but its just all about working the natural man out of you. and the harder I work, the more I show the Lord that I want to work for Him and bring His children home. so that's my mindset while I bike. it works i suppose. Not too much to tell. We did give a lady in the hospital a blessing. She had some bacteria so we wore these gowns and gloves while we did it. something different. well sorry its short and late. but times precious. love to all.
Love, Elder Malone

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