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Tuesday, April 29, 2008

So you get to be a District Leader!...

Ok let me try this thing out. Well things are going really well in Glen Allen.
1. Elder Davis is pretty alright. He is very by-the-book Elder and it kinda bugs me sometimes but no worries. he is VERY obedient. which sometimes its needful to follow the Spirit of the law and not the letter. and so he has some hesitants but he does alright. there are more blessings from obedience. too many to count. im trying to help him relax a little. he beats himself up too much about little things. like the other day he was feeling bad so he thought it was from disobedience. I said he was fine. he is very obedient. he said, "well i could definitely improve. like I could wipe up the counters after i use them. that might help. " i laughed and told him he is fine. but he didnt really agree so we shall see.

2. being a District Leader is way fun! i got to do exchanges with Scotchtown Elders the other day. and one is Elder Roberts so just like old times and the other is Elder Blight. he goes home in like 3 weeks so i learn from him mostly. but it was a lot of fun! and i get to stay up about 10 mins late on sundays to do numbers. because my fax is lame so it takes a while. but other than that no worries. I did hold my FIRST district meeting and it went really well i hear. it was combined with another district to make it bigger. and then my district (only scotchtown) suprised me with a Hannah Montana cake in celebration/embarassment. it was awesome! and she is way cute too.

3.We have a baptism on saturday the 3rd of May. its a Cambodian family. they are so dedicated to the gospel. if we tell them about something then they do it! their names are Shawn(dad) and Michelle(daughter) Mao. like he threw away all his coffee and tea as soon as we told them to. so they are so excited for it! i get to confirm Michelle on Sunday and Elder Davis is dunking both of them. im scared. ive never done that before. but it will be so awesome. the Spirit is the strongest in those circles. blessings are powerful but not as much as a confirmation circle (sorry girls). and scotchtown gets to have a lady be baptized on the 18th of may. our zone will have 13 baptisms in may! how sweet is that? president millburn asked for 10 a zone every month! and we are! but the coolest thing is that I will get to interview their candidate for baptism. how scary huh?! but way awesome too!

4. the tornados were not in Richmond. but they were down south and around us. there is nothing to clean up or help with around here so no service there :( but i am looking forward to a hurricane soon.)

5. DONT BE AFRAID OF EMAILING ME! I love getting emails but try to not have them be novels. dont leave things out because you are afraid its too long. I only have specified to certain people that their emails are too long. and its not a picky thing. all the emails i get takes up more than a hour. so i am constantly behind. but please continue to send them! i love hearing from all ya'll! just no novels! thanks.

6. we went to a place called Maymont Park today. it was so cool! it had a zoo type of thing and a japanese garden. that was the coolest part. then we played football and i rolled down the hill. it was a blast! i love Richmond soo much!

Love Elder Malone

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