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Wednesday, January 7, 2009

"2009 a time to refine!"

Those are the words of my mission president. Doesn't sound too hopeful does it? Especially because in my recent interview, he said that there is a lot of opposition headed our way in this year. But he smiled about it because he then said, "which means there is going to be a lot of good come our way." I agree. Opposition is a great thing. Not in the midst of it, but think of the blessings that comes from growing in the gospel. and helping others grow in the gospel as well.

We talked about ways to improve the work in Deep Creek so that was a sign that I'm probably staying next transfer. Which is fine by me, I love this area. There is a lot of work to do. He said that the missionary shooting will open a lot of doors for a lot of people to share the gospel. So we will be doing a lot of member work to get things going. Also will all yall, you have a son on a mission! Use the missionary fire and talk to people about it. Invite friends over for church or to hear the missionaries. Guaranteed there are people prepared to receive you. didn't think about that one did you? We just read it in the PMG this morning. Chp 9 in the "Go About Doing Good" section.Look it up.

Well one of the biggest blessings of them all is Sherri Kirby and her son Zach. THEY CAME TO CHURCH! Guess what too?! She was babysitting her grandbabies last weekend and told her daughter she was taking all the kids to church. Well, her daughter refused so Sherri said, "OK, then come home on Sunday morning, because I'm going to church!" So she did and Sherri and Zach came to church! Zach is 10 so that's two! Set in stone. well kinda, but she loved it. She stayed for all 3 meetings, signed up for the ward 40 day fast and also signed up to help take an elderly sister to the doctor! ON her first Sunday! If that isn't golden I don't know what is! Such a blessing from the Lord to have that. It really upped the missionary Spirit soo much. People are still talking about her and how friendly she was and how much they liked her. Its incredible. All that from the opposition we face everyday. I KNOW it. No doubt.

I'M excited for the New Year of refining and opposition. I'm experiencing a lot myself as I see myself questioning things in the church. Its all been just little social issues lately, but it does take a toll on you sometimes. So I just pray and ask for support or talk to Elder Lagace about it. It gets resolved and I do my best to not let it get to me. But there is only so much you can take right? Well I'm working on it, no worries.

Thanks for the love and support that's always received. I hope all is well on the home front. We just got cut 50 more miles which is a crock. So we are biking more, which I don't mind, but its one of those irking things that make me wonder sometimes. The nitty gritty details get in the way and make missionary work that much harder to handle. But the Lord has provided ways for us to be happy. And I'm currently applying those.

Love to all y'all,
Elder Malone

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