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Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Good News and Bad News..............

Well good news is that we are seeing opposition, so something is going right here in the ward. Bad news is that Miguel and Doris both are stepping off the baptism wagon for a little bit. Miguel basically disappeared and no one knows exactly where he is at. So, when and if he comes back, we shall see how interested he really is. Doris is getting some cold feet, so she decided to not be baptized THIS month. But she says definitely next month. So, we are planning on next month. She did not come to church on Sunday like we had hoped she would. She also committed to come, and her fellowshipper said she would be brought. But apparently she was not feeling very good, so it did not happen.
But as far as we know, Tonya Stith and Sis Talley are still set for what is ahead. As long as they keep their commitments, they will succeed! Just like all of us, God does not ask big things, simply little things that bring big results in our lives. As long as we do what he has asked of us to do, then we will see those BIG results in our lives. So do those small things okay?
We had an experience with a man who for some reason is praying and asking God to show him what he needs to do to change his life. We have knocked on his door twice and he skims through the bible every now and again. So we very boldly told him to repent and listen to the signs and whisperings that the Holy Ghost is giving him. I told him right to his face that his beer and cigarettes are keeping him from God's promptings. Because the Spirit backed it up, he felt the need to change and invited us back anytime. Whether he change that night I am not sure, but he felt something. That is what counts.
There was a really sweet fireside this past weekend with Elder Jay E. Jensen from the Presidency of the Seventy. That was a very powerful meeting and I walked away feeling very uplifted in the Spirit! He had a Q&A for about an hour in the which some really good questions came up that I myself had thought of but did not remember to ask them. Good news is that we took Miguel there and he enjoyed what part he really understood. Mormon language was used a lot there. can be tough for some people.
Elder Malone

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