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Tuesday, December 4, 2007

12/3 Letters to Dad's house

We received some hand written letters from Greg, I'll try and hit some of the things he said.
To Alex: He was full of teasing! He goes to bed early and gets up early, he says it feels good to get up and exercise in the morning. Says he's "pretty huge now". He says boys are mean and he gets bored with them! He tells her not to kiss boys, they don't brush their teeth! and neither do dogs, so don't be sneaking around and kissing Gus (our puppy). he says quote, "I am sorry I talk about you and boys alot. But I know it's not as fun to kiss people when you're young. When you're old and in love is where the magic is! Not that I know anything about that one......:)".

To Jacklyn:He goes into people's houses and they have little girls her age and it makes him think of her. He tells her that she should feed Gus brussel sprouts. They are really good for dogs! And it makes them fart alot too! So feed him brussel sprouts and then lock him in Alex's room!:)
say your prayers EVERY night!

To Dad: (We had to smoke 25 chickens for a ward party) He says: "Dad,
:( Stop smoking! It's bad! Even though it's "only chicken" it could turn into turkey, then beef and venison! And once you hit venison there is no return! And then *BOOM* excommunication!" He really wants a missionary picture at the Stake Center. So that we can look at his pretty face. He used ya'll in a couple of places. He says that Preach My Gospel is the ultimate guide to everything! pg 107 is an awesome one he uses all the time. He says that he is going to need a new book, this one isn't going to last 2 yrs because he uses it all the time. He's excited about his Grandma and Grandpa Donn getting their mission call to NYC Manhatten temple. He thinks it's funny that gpa will be living in the big city. He says it's been a growing experience to learn to love his companion and put up with him. He prays alot for himself and companion and it's helped alot. Read the Bible dictionary under Prayer and it WILL change your views and the way your prayers go. In a positive way.

To Jacque: The anti-morman stuff is big out there. Alot of people look into it, which is dumb! You don't learn how to make pizza by working at
McDonalds! You don't learn about the church by anti material! Go to missionaries or websites! He stays away from it. Sometimes people battle with you to get you to say things, but "I just bare testimony and walk away before the spirit does!" He suggests that we carry around an extra Book of Morman to hand out. He suggests having them read the Introduction (especially the last 2 paragraphs), The Testimony of Joseph, the 3 &8 witnesses & Moroni's Promise. Its a good combination. Preach My Gospel pg 107 is a winner with people who are struggling!

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