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Thursday, September 11, 2008

Miracles and more Miracle!

Well...thoughts. nothing is coming to mind. oh miracle time! OK so i guess in he umbilical cord, there are supposed to be two main vessels right? well, this ward missionary who is really cool and super great guy, his wife is pregnant. and she was having problems with it. apparently there was only 1 main vessel which causes problems with the baby or for her. serious problems. so they asked for a blessing the other day. and after email last week, we stopped off at a Kroger to shop and she was outside! so we talked and it turns out that she had a Dr's appt that morning and she had 3 vessels! so I'm guessing that's really good because she was really excited about it! so talk about a miracle. i was really glad for her. they are a great great family. they fed us liver once. :) at our request. good stuff.

Well...Aaron, my friend who i feel like i was sent here to find. he is moving this weekend, so our last appt with him is tonight! we are going to talk about the plan and basically just do whatever we can to help him get settled on the right foot. so when the church comes looking for him where ever he goes, he will be ready. he is really cool. he doesn't know quite where he is going in life but does hope to open an orphanage i believe. something like that. its really neat. great guy.
Elder Holley is doing well. surprisingly because I'm training him. he picks up on things really well. somethings a little too well. so i watch my actions because i don't want to be a hypocrite. :( its good though. somethings i don't tell him, he picks up by example.(not mine of course :) but I'm glad. its good to know that he is learning from me. the assistants say he is a good kid so i hope its true. they don't usually lie, unless it comes to cell phones, miles and exchanges.

Speaking of miracles and assistants! last Thursday we went on an exchange with the assistants. finally because they said they would a year ago! two completely different elders promised it to me. but these ones are still good. they really taught me a lot. and elder Hancock and i met an extremely prepared lady. her name is Kim. she is a YSA so she is not our gator, but still! i got to meet her and find her. we sang to her on her doorstep and she really liked it. then we talked about things with her and she really really liked the church. she was so excited that we set her for baptism on her doorstep! its incredible. she is just the sweetest (and the cutest) lady ever. it was a such a blessing to see how the Lord kept us there for that long of a time. we went to see a less active and he wasn't there. so just talking with everyone we could, and asking for referrals, we stayed on one street for almost 3 hours. which was just long enough. because as we were walking back to the truck, we stopped to talk to one last person who was not interested at all, but it bought us just 60 secs longer. Kim pulled up as we were talking to him. so when we stopped, we ran over to hr house and knocked on her door. it was an amazing blessing! I'm soooo grateful the Lord counted me as one worthy to find her. doing what we were supposed to do, the Lord helped us find the elect. I love Him.
Elder Malone
p.s. pray for hurricane Josephine and Ike to be good ones!

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